sole proprietorship

its startup requires much less time than with the company, and additionally, during the first two years of operation, we pay lower social insurance contributions. There is also a possibility to conduct a simplified accounting, which greatly reduces the costs incurred. A minimum capital is also required to set up a sole proprietorship. The owner is liable with the total amount of his personal assets. The profit of the company is also the profit of the owner, but also all the costs are the expenses of the owner. Registering a business is free, it does not require paying an official fee as in the case of a limited liability company.
 Below are a few words about the process of starting a business.

It’s a good idea to read the list of business activity codes (PKD) before filling in the application and select the codes corresponding to the profile of the company’s activity, which we are about to initiate. We may submit a request for an entry in paper form at the appropriate city/municipal office, send it by traditional mail, or submit it online. The office does not charge a fee for submitting the application.
We complete the registration of business activity by completing the CEIDG-1 form, in addition to entering the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, this application is an application for entry in the National Official Register of National Economy Entities (REGON), an update or identification application addressed to the Head of the Tax Office (NIP), submitting or changing the application concerning the contribution payer to ZUS, and a statement on the form of income tax.
Depending on the type of taxation selected, we can settle accounts according to the revenue and expense ledger, the registered lump sum or opt for full accounting. Only one sole proprietorship may be registered in your name. It is worth paying attention to the address of doing business, it does not have to be the same as our registered address. We can set up a business anywhere. An excellent solution is to use the services of the Virtual Office, which allows us to get a business address, and a package of additional services related to running the company including collection of correspondence.