- office 1: +48 793 913 914
- office 2: +48 793 913 911
- biuro@voal-lublin.pl
Hiring foreigners
In order to hire a foreigner, the employer must abide by certain rules. It is very important to have adequate knowledge about the documents possessed by the candidate for our future employee. The drawing up of a contract of employment is definitely not enough. Without a proper document from the office regulating legal stay and work, we put not only our company but also the potential employee in serious trouble.
At VOAL, we provide consultations on the ways for employing foreigners, which will depend on many factors, ranging from the occupation, in which they will work, through the time for which work is to be agreed, and ending with determining the place where the work is to be performed. When employing a foreigner, one should distinguish between such terms as the Work Permit, Statement of employment and Temporary Residence Permit. Although all these documents have one thing in common – they legalize residence in Poland with access to the labor market, still the conditions for their award vary. The main difference is the period for which work is to be entrusted. Usually, the process of employing a foreigner begins with obtaining a document called the Statement of employment, which entitles one to take up work for a period of 180 days or less, from the Job Centre.
Another possibility for employment is obtaining a Work Permit from the Voivodship Office. Such permits can be obtained for the first time for a maximum of 12 months, but it must be remembered that the list of professions, for which such an application can be filed without additional documents, is legally regulated, in other cases it is necessary to obtain an additional document from the Job Centre, which is called the Starosta Information confirming the inability to meet the employer’s staffing needs. The next document regulating legal stay and work is a Temporary Residence Permit, which an employee can receive for a maximum of 3 years.
All these documents allow you to legally reside in the territory of the Republic of Poland and during this time to work, but you must remember about a number of formalities to be completed, when employing a foreigner. Submission of the application is only the beginning of a complicated process, one can not forget about reporting to the Social Security Office, informing the office about any changes in employment conditions, training, health and safety tests and other formalities.
Chcąc ułatwić Pracodawcom przechodzenia przez kolejny etapy procesu legalizacji pobytu i pracy nowych pracownikIn order to make it easier for employers to go through each subsequent stage of the process of legalizing the stay and work of new employees, we offer VOAL services. Our consultants, based on the power of attorney granted by your company, will deal with the whole process from A to Z. We will make sure that we meet deadlines, submit applications, submit information to offices, and also offer staff and accounting services in a foreign language, and prepare bilingual contracts.ów proponujemy nasze usługi. Nasi konsultanci na mocy udzielonego im przez Państwa firmę pełnomocnictwa zajmą się całym procesem od A do Z. Przypilnujemy terminów, złożymy wnioski, zgłosimy informacje do urzędów, dodatkowo proponujemy także obsługę kadrowo-księgową w języku obcym oraz sporządzanie dwujęzycznych umów.